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Humdungers Spinning Group

3199 East 125 South
Winamac, IN 46996

Contact: Crete Hutton
Meets 2nd Mon 9-3, Crete Spinning Hut

Please do not post items for sale. This is not a public marketplace.

Note: We will remove any comments if we find them inappropriate or if the guild owner tells us they are inaccurate, unfair or untrue

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  • Jacques Reynaud on 7/13/2015:

    Attention to Ms. Crete Hutton, I am a close frind of Dr. Francisco Weihmann. He would like to have an email address to communicate with you and Mr. Hutton. Hopefully you can provide it. Thank you very much. Jacques Reynaud

  • Jacques Reynaud on 7/13/2015:

    My email address is: [email protected]