Meets on the third Wed. of the month at 10:00 am at the address listed. It meets on the 3rd Thursday of the month at 7:00 pm at a different location, Sunny View Retirement Community, 22445 Cupertino Road, Cupertino, CA. Go to their website to email them for contact.
Please do not post items for sale. This is not a public marketplace.
lilolady on 7/19/2013:
I have recently obtaihed at a garage sale in Oregon a LOT of DMC broder Size 16 embroidery thread. I would like to resell it to anyone who is looking for this vintage thread. I have the list of colors and amounts for any who are looking for this thread.
[email protected]
I have recently obtaihed at a garage sale in Oregon a LOT of DMC broder Size 16 embroidery thread. I would like to resell it to anyone who is looking for this vintage thread. I have the list of colors and amounts for any who are looking for this thread. [email protected]