Please do not post items for sale. This is not a public marketplace.
Table Loom on 3/19/2015:
I have a working table loom available for someone that is interested.
Please contact me via email:
[email protected]
Virginia on 3/19/2015:
I have a working table loom available for someone that is interested.
Please contact me via email:
[email protected]
Marion on 1/20/2017:
I have a box of wool ready for spinning. I don't know the name for it unless it is called roving. I live outside Salinas and could meet someone or have them come to the house.
I have a working table loom available for someone that is interested. Please contact me via email: [email protected]
I have a working table loom available for someone that is interested. Please contact me via email: [email protected]
I have a box of wool ready for spinning. I don't know the name for it unless it is called roving. I live outside Salinas and could meet someone or have them come to the house.