Meets 3rd Saturday 1:00pm, Even months: Two Barns 46341 County Road 41, Yuma, CO; Odd Months: East Morgan County Library 500 Clayton Street, Brush, CO. Dues $25/yr or $2 per attended meeting.
Please do not post items for sale. This is not a public marketplace.
Bev on 7/21/2011:
Old Town Museum in Burlington, CO is looking for spinners and weavers to participate as demonstrators and/or vendors at our Homestead Harvest Fest scheduled for Sat. Sept. 3 & Sun. Sept. 4, 2011. I would be happy to send further information to anyone interested. Just call Old Town at 719-346-7382 & ask for Bev, or email [email protected]
Hope to hear from you!
Old Town Museum in Burlington, CO is looking for spinners and weavers to participate as demonstrators and/or vendors at our Homestead Harvest Fest scheduled for Sat. Sept. 3 & Sun. Sept. 4, 2011. I would be happy to send further information to anyone interested. Just call Old Town at 719-346-7382 & ask for Bev, or email [email protected] Hope to hear from you!