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Garlene Smithson on 1/26/2022:
A question really, Hugh Mann was a member of the coin club of which I am also a member. He saw me crocheting at a meeting. His wife had recently passed and was a machine knitter. He asked if I would like some yarn and brought me a couple of boxes that belonged to his wife. (this was about 4 years ago). In one of the boxes were 7 video tapes about machine knitting and a huge amount of yarn on a pyramid-like shaft. I recently relocated to Columbus and found this box of supplies. I don\'t know anything about machine knitting or this particular type of yarn, and the video\'s are specific to the craft. Would/can someone like to have these rather then me tossing them? If so, my contact is [email protected]. Thank you for reading this note.
A question really, Hugh Mann was a member of the coin club of which I am also a member. He saw me crocheting at a meeting. His wife had recently passed and was a machine knitter. He asked if I would like some yarn and brought me a couple of boxes that belonged to his wife. (this was about 4 years ago). In one of the boxes were 7 video tapes about machine knitting and a huge amount of yarn on a pyramid-like shaft. I recently relocated to Columbus and found this box of supplies. I don\'t know anything about machine knitting or this particular type of yarn, and the video\'s are specific to the craft. Would/can someone like to have these rather then me tossing them? If so, my contact is [email protected]. Thank you for reading this note.