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Wesputcon Spinners

Joe's Hill Rd.
Brewster, NY 10509

Contact: Susan Vazquez,

Please do not post items for sale. This is not a public marketplace.

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  • Susan on 7/11/2012:

    Hello Susan Vazquez, We are interested in finding a spinner we could hire to spin two year's worth of wool we have from our two Shetland sheep. Do you have any information? or Could you put us in contact with someone? Thank you so very much. Susan Fierro 914-629-1494 [email protected]

  • Kate on 1/14/2014:

    Hi, we just moved nearby in Goldens Bridge, and my young daughter has been begging me to see a real spinning wheel in action. Can you tell me where I might be able to take her? Help! Thanks Kate (646-295-5466)

  • Melissa on 12/17/2017:

    I'm looking for a lesson in the basic operation of my new (to me) Brother Kh-930E knitting machine. I'd like to do this in early January, and an willing to pay for the lesson. Melissa Cole [email protected]