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Efrain on 4/29/2012:
Ok, let's see in GW what you got about gaming. You could keep wriintg as GW player here, but as a community relations manager in your Official GWWiki page. But a link and wriintg everything in a single spot is always more lazy,and thus, better.Oh! You MUST continue with Portal! The cake is not a lie! Just the ending credits music is reason enough to finish the game hm hm
Ok, let's see in GW what you got about gaming. You could keep wriintg as GW player here, but as a community relations manager in your Official GWWiki page. But a link and wriintg everything in a single spot is always more lazy,and thus, better.Oh! You MUST continue with Portal! The cake is not a lie! Just the ending credits music is reason enough to finish the game hm hm